I was bit by the triathlon bug in September of last year. I went to watch a friend compete in the Tri for Sight race here in Lexington and was amazed by the speed and skill of the athletes. Also, they all looked like they were having so much fun. I really wanted a new life challenge and my health was finally at a place where I could exercise extensively again.
My thoughts were this: I started swimming when I was 4 and competed for about 13 years. Swimming, check. I had run in regular foot races (5Ks, half marathons) throughout the years. Running, check. I rode my sister's bike (which was too big) all through college. Cycling, check, maybe. So with enough checks in my head, I figured it would be a fun sport to tackle.
So now I'm on to my third triathlon this year, the Lame Duck Try-Athlon. Located in an insanely hilly Georgetown neighborhood, it's a 0.54 mile lake swim, 9.6 mile bike, and 2.6 mile run. I first heard of the crazy hills on this race and immediately wrote off any chance of me being able to finish. But with some coaxing from my Tri-tastic friend, Angie, I thought I'd give it a shot. I always told myself to never let fear stop me from trying something. So I signed up and I'm nervous and so excited to compete!
Hi Toa! We hope you consider registering for it again! Race is set for July 27, 2013 at 8:30 am. Our volunteers love to cheer everyone on! Registration is at www.imathlete.com/events/lameducktryathlon2013 or for race details visit www.mallardpointonline.com/lameduck Happy training!!